2015년 3월 13일 금요일

Pepsi Max CF -The old man plays basketball-

This is a video that old man want to play basketball with young guys.
At first, young guys worried about his health so they don't want to play with him.
As time passes, people come to realize that the old man is not an ordinary man.
Like many people in the video, I was surprised at his skill & physical strength because he seems too old to play basketball.
Actually the old man-the gray-haired guy- is a NBA player.
Before playing basketball, he was got up as gray haired guy.

Because it is a sport video there arent't many language point. The only expression that I heard was
'young blood'. It means young, fresh, or vigorous new people something like that.

You guys are also find it interesting.
It is produced in serial form 1, 2, 3.
So I will post the other videos on the bottom of this post.

Thanks for reading & watching my post.


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